
Ben Piershale is a husband, dad, entrepreneur and evangelist.

Hi, I’m Ben.

I was born on Christmas Eve in 1981. I grew up as a kid in Oklahoma where my Dad was a stock broker and later children’s pastor at our church. While on staff at the church my Dad started a bus ministry to bring kids in from all over our city. I grew up riding buses that would go into some of the poorest parts of our town and pick up kids for church. It was my first taste of real-life ministry and I was hooked. Several years later my family moved to the suburbs of Chicago and my Dad went back to work in finance. I graduated college, married my beautiful wife Cheri and worked as the youth pastor in our church in Chicago for the next several years. During this time Cheri and I began building an online business that would later turn into the company we now run today.

Our small company has now grown to a team of 25 employees that is one of the leading e-commerce sellers in the world today. We credit all of this to the hand of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. In 2013 we moved back to Tulsa, Oklahoma where we now reside with our four children – Ashton, Natasha, Elijah and Ezra (also Roman our cat). In 2014, I felt God leading me back into ministry but in a different way by using the Internet and Social Media. I now make inspirational short films to tell people about the most wonderful person I know – Jesus.

Fun Facts About Me:

  • I discovered my passion for filmmaking in college. I took a photography course and was hooked. Switched my major to emphasize in video production and never looked back.
  • I love entrepreneurship and have been doing some form of it since I was a kid.
  • I used to have my Series 7 license.
  • I’m a licensed pastor (from when I was a youth pastor) but I don’t work at a church.
  • I’m a huge OKC Thunder fan.
  • I’m a certified scuba diver and love almost everything about water.
  • I still actively play soccer every week.
  • I’ve preached on every continent except South America, Australia and Antarctica.